Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Mikrosysteme und Festkörper-Technologien EMFT
Fraunhofer EMFT conducts cutting-edge applied research on sensors and actuators for people and the environment. The over hundred employees in the three locations in Munich, Oberpfaffenhofen and Regensburg possess impressive long-term experience and extensive know-how in the fields of microelectronics and microsystem technology. These nano- and microtechnologies are the basis for the other competence areas at Fraunhofer EMFT: sensor solutions, safe and secure electronics, and micropumps. One of the most multifaceted fields of innovation for the future is health research using smart solutions. As a research topic, smart medicine offers enormous potential for affordable health as well as advancements in medical care based on novel diagnostic and treatment options. Numerous R&D activities at Fraunhofer EMFT are concerned with solutions in the area of smart medicine. Micropumps have a key role to play here and are used in a wide variety of medical applications.
Role within MusiC4Diabetes
In the MuSIC4Diabetes project, under the project management of Dr. Sebastian Kibler, Fraunhofer EMFT is responsible for the development of the micropump, the safety valve, the self-recognition function and the system integration of the dosing module. The micropump and safety valve are made using micromechanical processes in silicon, resulting in an ultra-compact design volume of only 7x7x2 cubic millimeters. Innovative pump technology: Fraunhofer EMFT has succeeded in developing a micro pump and a safety valve that meet extremely demanding requirements. With a tiny stroke volume of only 0.1 cubic millimeters, the micro pump does not lose more than 5% of its stroke volume under back pressure. Additionally, the micro pump has sufficient suction capacity to pump a gas bubble even at a negative pressure of 35 kPar. The microvalve technology sets new standards for allowable leakage rates, with a goal of maximum 1/10 cubic millimeter per hour under all pressure conditions. This enables a gentle control of the micropump to avoid damage to the insulin molecule and prevent deposits. The self-recognition function is a disruptive and innovative technology that allows the detection and compensation of dosing disturbances, such as the occurrence of gas bubbles.