Unobtrusive Continuous Multi-Metabolite Monitoring for a Physiological Care of Insulin-treated Diabeteslearn more

Università degli Studi di Padova

Since its foundation, the Department of Women and Children’s Health at the University of Padova has been dedicated to the care of women, infants, children and young people, bringing together healthcare and specialist research that have allowed it to become today a beacon of excellence at national and international level. Its institutional aims are the care and wellbeing of patients, as well as clinical care integrated with teaching, scientific research and training activities necessary for students, residents and operators to master paediatric and obstetric-gynaecological skills. The Department aims to deliver the best academic, clinical and surgical program at a national and international level. This is the core mission motivating our team of professionals and operators determined to work in an integrated and multidisciplinary way, in order to achieve effective results for patients and ensure a positive experience for those who are facing their own or their child’s disease. A mission that focuses on the value of human relationships and expresses a sense of common good, putting women and children at the heart of its action.

Role within MusiC4Diabetes

The main tasks in the project, in collaboration with the University of Pavia, are:

  1. Multi-metabolite (MM) time series analysis;
  2. MM modelling;
  3. Intraperitoneal (IP) and MM simulator;
  4. Controller design;
  5. Safety module development.

Main contacts

Photo of Prof. Claudio Cobelli
Prof. Claudio Cobelli

Emeritus Professor of Bioengineering, Co-Investigator of WP 4:MM Data Science

Photo of Martina Drecogna
Martina Drecogna

Research Scientist

Photo of Prof. Giovanni Di Salvo
Prof. Giovanni Di Salvo

Full Professor in Paediatric Cardiology and CHD, Principal Investigator